With the price of lumber, why replace it when you can hire us to restore it.
We hone in on the skill of wood restoration through continuing education, knowledge, and hands-on experience. We want to provide you with the best product we have to offer. We make sure to identify the type of wood first, establish a cleaning method and agree on a weatherproofing procedure that best suits your needs. We follow FPL (Forest Product Laboratories) guidelines when identifying and cleaning who set the industry standards when it comes to wood restoration.
A high quality stain and sealant will prolong the life of the wood boards and baulesters by providing a layer of protection from the elements. When left untreated, wood will begin to oxidize and patina from oxygen exposure and UV rays. These factors are what turn fresh looking wood grey in a couple months. When a stain and sealer is applied, this acts as sunscreen for the wood and protects the wood from further damage as well as keeping it looking nice with proper maintenance for years to come.
Transparent stain is best used on new installs when the deck is out of direct sunlight to achieve a great look and protection for years to come. Semi-transparent stains are optimal for old decks that have never been stained and need a good cleaning. This will still show the wood grain while hiding some inperfections in the aged wood after years of neglect. Solid stains should be used when the deck is in rough shape and imperfections need to be hidden. Also they tend to be thicker, film forming and lead to shipping/flaking down the road. (We do not recommend solid stains)
Yes, while pressure washing is a great way to clean and prep the deck. We firmly suggest every deck should be lighlty sanded after cleaning with 60 - 100 grit to rough up the surface a bit and prepare the wood to accept the stain. Sanding will also help eliminate any dog fur that may occur during the pressure washing process.
Wood decks should be stained and sealed to protect the wood from the elements of nature. The sealant helps repel moisture to keep the wood from swelling due to heavy rain. The pigment in the stain helps protect the wood from UV damage. Read this article on the importance of staining and sealing your wood deck.
There are 4 different levels of stain - Transparent which provides a clear water repellent protection but does not protect against UV rays. Semi-Transparent has some pigment to help protect against UV rays while still showing the natural beauty of the wood. Semi-Solid is a heavily pigmented stain, tends to be used for darker colors and can slightly see the wood grain underneath. Solid stain is used for when the client wants a uniform coloring without being able to see the wood grain of the wood. Choose your type of stain based on desired outcome.
When you deck is properly cleaned and stained with 2 coats, you should do yearly cleans and every other year restain with one coat. When properly maintained, the cost of ongoing maintenance is typically 25-30% less then a full deck restoration job.
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